Polar Explorer Features & Benefits
-500W output -Power for tough band conditions
-160 thru 10 meters HF coverage -All HF bands (except 60meters)
-SSB, CW, AM, FM, RTTY (AFSK) -All modes
-Interfaces with most Transceivers -Use your familiar Tcvr controls
-Gets Frequency & Mode from Host -Fully automatic transceive operation
-CESSB compression -Highly effective audio compression without splatter
-5kHz audio for AM, ESSB -Enjoy higher fidelity modes
->80% efficiency -Lower cost, size, weight
-Self contained power supply -No external supply needed
-small size 14” x 5.5” x 9” -Fits in your carry-on
-light weight (xx#) -You can still carry it!
-USB port for PC -Use your favorite logging/control software
-VOX/PTT operation -Flexible control
-TX audio monitoring -Easy to adjust your TX audio